Indian ranks 81 in the list of corruption perception index. The rank of India fell by 2 positions compared to the previous year.
Corruption is a virus to Democracy. As a virus adapts to the DNA of host corruption is hardwired into a democracy and so it is hard to kill. Every Democracy is suffering from this virus of corruption.
In order to find a solution to kill corruption, we need to understand what is corruption?
corruption can be defined as the misuse of public power for personal benefits.
Why a person gets involved in Corruption?
1) It is human tendency to give priority to once benefits before other, here others can be anything from country, organisation to fellow citizens. It is a survival instinct that is hardwired in the brain of every person.
2) We, consciously and subconsciously biased toward some ideas, group of people or a person and it is very hard to get rid of those, to get rid of corruption we have to get rid of those biases from every brain. which is impossible.
Fortunately, we have developed a thing that can be free from any bias and can be programmed without a survival instinct
Artificial intelligence.
Where corruption occurs?
Corruption occurs in the decision-making process where a burocrate, politician, an individual has the power of decision making. He/She gives the decision in favour of the party from whom He/She is receiving personal benefits by going against the Law.
To make decision-making process free from biases, favouritism and priorities. We need a brain that is free from all these factors and knows all the laws that are to be followed ( which certainly cannot be expected from a human being). you know the answer AI
How this AI will work and help the decision-making process?
let me explain it by an example
Let's say the government want to give the rights to assemble" RAFALE " aircraft to an organization. There are 10 parties applying for the rights including HAL and RELIANCE DEFENCE.
1) The government will upload the requirements that are to be fulfilled by an organization to get the rights into the AI database.
2) every organization that wants to apply will have to upload the required information to AI using a platform like a website.
3) Now, the Ai will decide which organization are eligible for assembling RAFALE.
let say AI did the process and come up two potential options for the role.
4) Now AI will ask these organizations to provide the information regarding there expertise, experience, track record etc. in that sector.
5) and then AI decides that HAL is to be given the assembling rights of rafale.
6) This decision will go to Defence office (concern authority in this case) to sign the agreement with HAL.
Now, Defence office might not be convinced by the decision of AI. Then it can pick the organization from the eligible candidate list.
And Defence office chose Reliance Defence.
Here Defence office will have to explain why IT chose Reliance Defence over AI chose HAL.
If Defence office provides a satisfactory explanation to the public Reliance will get the rights.
If Defence office fails to provide a satisfactory explanation it can be concluded that corruption has taken palce in process.
and it can be challenged in court, parliament or public space in form of protests.
This type of decision-making process, I think, that involves technology and human interference will serve the purpose of stopping corruption from happening and will also make decision-making process fast.
so, what do you think about such a system?
what are the shortcomings in it and how to overcome them?
and most important
what is your solution to the problem?
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Who will be the in-charge of AI??!