what is this blog?

Poor Governance
Poor Education System
Rising Fascism

Global Warming
changing weather

this list of the problems - faced by world and India- is very long. Every day we come across  news making headlines about these issues. Almost everybody-in the news space- give details about what happened , figures and numbers about the scale of these problems , what effects it may cause- at-least about global warming , pollution ( and not about poverty, poor education system and definitely not about unemployment because government has stopped publishing it) .

Almost everybody in the news space ( tv and digital) are just talking problems. yes, talking about problems is important and we should talk about problems and at a deep level. But we are forgetting that after understanding problem and to solve that problem we need to have a SOLUTION . Most of the unbiased media are talking about big and important problems. but, the crucial part about solving the problem- THE SOLUTION- is missing in the discussion.This blog will  be a platform for its readers to find and discuss solutions about the problems the are having or experiencing in there social or personal life.

Now we might think that "  no one is going to give a shit about our solution". Then why should i bother about the solution , let the government - whichever it maybe- worry about it.
BUT most of the times" "

what will happen by discussing solutions?

        two things will happen .First, we as a community will start thinking about the problems and there solution and what we can do about it at a personal level. Secondly, it will develop our capability as a solution finder rather than bragging about problems.

what will happen on this page?
         I will start a discussion thread about the topic i think is a problem and the topics suggested by readers,Starting with a solution. And you as a solution finder are request to put your solution in the comment section( because i don't have a proper website to do that now)
or can comment on the solution provided by other members, ask question or counter question about the effectiveness and discuss shortcomings with there Solution.

what is the need of this kind of page?
         as explained above we have platforms to discuss problems but that's not sufficient to eradicate problem. so this page will serve as a solution finder to the problems .


i invite you to join this discussion/ debate about the solutions of  problems that are visible to our minds.

i am trying to solve these problems at a personal level with whatever capacity i have now and will continue to do so at my level  in future . Now the question is whether you want to be the part of the solution/ be the solution to the problems you experience? or be a passive observer  , it is your choice ,and nothing is wrong about either.

who knows in the future  somebody, anybody or everybody among us will be in the position to counter these problem at personal or social level.



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